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Wooden folding rule 2m yellow

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Order number 13120
Your price 2,82 € before tax per 1 pcs
(3,41 € after tax)
DIN Nářadí
Váha 0.066 kg per 1 pcs
Box 1
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Firma Killich s.r.o. offers tools. The range of tools includes meters and bands. Meters and zones are in different lengths and different types.
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Wide range - more than 35 000items available in 24 hours, standard fasteners, drawing parts, different materials - carbon steel, stainless steel, brass, titanium, copper, aluminium, duplex. Killich company is on the fastener market since 1996 and is one of the biggest fastener wholesaler in Central Europe. Our customers are industry companyies, automotive companies, building companies, region sale companies and of course end customers.

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+420 485 163 014
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